About KeKokua

Ke-Ko-kua (Ke-kokoo'-uh)

In Hawaiian, KeKokua means the spirit of helping.

The KeKokua Foundation was established in 2005 to directly support and foster charities that provide socially responsible educational services, advocacy, and supportive resources to the community. It is through KeKokua that change begins, grows, and endures.

The KeKokua Foundation's philosophy is helping unconditionally, responsibly and honoring others.

Michael Yoshikami created the KeKokua Foundation and is head of its charity committee. Destination Wealth Management is the primary source of funding and operations for KeKokua, including, among other things, providing management, accounting and marketing services to the Foundation.

For more information about Destination Wealth Management, please visit www.destinationwm.com or https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/IAPD/Default.aspx.